Options to configure the SDK.


audioContext?: AudioContext

The audio context to use for audio processing.

disableIntervalHack?: boolean

The flag to disable the interval hack that ensures the intervals run at the correct time.

documentParserConnector?: DocumentParserConnectorConstructor

The custom document parser connector to use for parsing documents.

generativeAIWorkerConnectors?: GenerativeAIWorkerConnectorConstructor[]

The custom generative AI worker connectors to use for generative AI tasks.

graphDatabaseConnector?: GraphDatabaseConnectorConstructor

The custom graph database connector to use for graph database tasks.

keyValueDatabaseConnector?: KeyValueDatabaseConnectorConstructor

The custom key-value database connector to use for storing key-value pairs. If not provided, the default key-value database connector is IndexedDB.

loggingConnectors?: ILoggingConnector[]

The custom logging connector to use for logging events.

maxBpp?: number

The maximum bits per pixel to use for video.

maxConnections?: number

The maximum number of connections a node can have.

maxDistance?: number

The maximum distance allowed between two nodes in the network.

maxFps?: number

The maximum frame rate to use for video.

maxOutgoingSubscriptions?: number

The maximum number of outgoing subscriptions.

minConnections?: number

The minimum number of initial connections.

nlpLibraryConnector?: NLPLibraryConnectorConstructor

The custom natural language processing connector to use for natural language processing tasks.

objectStoreConnector?: ObjectStoreConnectorConstructor

The custom object store connector to use for storing objects. If not provided, the default object store connector is OPFS.

peerConnectionConnector?: PeerConnectionConnectorConstructor

The custom peer connection connector to use for creating peer connections. If not provided, the default peer connection connector is WebRTC in browser.

searchConnector?: SearchConnectorConstructor

The custom search connector to use for searching the web.

vectorDatabaseConnector?: VectorDatabaseConnectorConstructor

The custom vector database connector to use for vector database tasks.