Gets the query.
The query: IDatabaseTableQuery.
Adds a limit to the query.
The limit for the query.
A QueryBuilder instance with a limit added.
Adds an offset to the query.
The offset for the query.
A QueryBuilder instance with an offset added.
Adds an order by clause to the query.
The order for the order by clause, either 'asc' or 'desc'.
A QueryBuilder instance with an order by clause added.
A where clause with basic operators and a single value.
A basic operator.
A single value.
A QueryBuilder instance with a where clause added.
A where clause with 'in' or 'not-in' the given values.
An 'in' or 'not-in' operator.
An array of values.
A QueryBuilder instance with a where clause added.
A where clause with 'between' the given values.
A 'between' operator.
An array of two values.
A QueryBuilder instance with a where clause added.
The Query Builder interface for building queries for the IDatabaseTable.