canWhether or not candidates can be added to the connection.
canWhether or not the handshake function exists.
connectionThe current connection state.
gatheringThe current gathering state.
handshakeThe current handshake state.
The callback for when a candidate is received.
The callback for when the connection state changes.
The callback for when a data channel is received.
The callback for when the candidate gathering state changes.
The callback for when the handshake state changes.
The callback for when a track is received.
signalingThe current signaling state.
Adds a candidate to the connection.
The candidate to add.
A promise that resolves when the candidate has been added.
Adds a track to the connection.
The track to add.
The stream to add the track to.
The sender for the track.
Collects the stats for the receivers. The collector must be called with the stats for each stream.
The receivers to collect stats for.
The callback to send the stats to.
A promise that resolves when the stats have been collected.
Collects the stats for the senders. The collector must be called with the stats for each stream.
The senders to collect stats for.
The callback to send the stats to.
A promise that resolves when the stats have been collected.
Creates an answer to an offer.
The offer to answer.
A promise that resolves with the answer.
Creates a data channel.
The label for the data channel.
The data channel connector.
Creates an offer.
options: IPeerConnectionOfferOptionsThe options for creating the offer.
A promise that resolves with the offer.
Handles an answer to an offer.
The answer to handle.
The handler to call after the answer has been handled.
A promise that resolves when the answer has been handled.
Removes a track from the connection.
The sender for the track to remove.
Replaces a track in the connection.
The track to replace the current track with.
The sender for the track to replace.
Sets the encoding parameters for the sender.
The sender to set the encoding parameters for.
The scale resolution down by value.
The max framerate value.
The max bitrate value.
The priority for the media stream.
The peer connection connector interface - used to establish a connection between two peers.